Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Sangkal Muang Dance, Regional Dances Sumenep Madura

Understanding Muang Sangkal Dance, Dance Originating Region Sumenep Madura. Sangkal Muang dance created by an artist Sumenep in 1972, he was named Taufikurrachman. He created this dance one of which is motivated by concern for the artists in translating nature laden Madura will work and uniqueness. In addition, to lift the life history of the palace Sumenep in the past.

Meaning Words Sangkal Muang

Literally the word muang Sangkal consists of two words that have the Measures language meaning of the word as follows:

Muang word means throwing
Sangkal means sukerta word meaning dark. Meaning that more breadth is something that becomes food countrymen devil, Evils, rayangan genie, devil, in Hinduism.

Sangkal yourself said adopting of Ancient Java language that means Sengkala or sengkolo. Thus denied in a broader sense by the public Sumenep is: if a parent has a child and girl spoken by men, should not be rejected because it makes the girl will be denied or not sell forever.

Motion Dance

At the beginning of this dance movement is rather loud and accompanied by gamelan with the musical sampak then flows on gissing oramba '-orambe which suggests the princess palace into the garden sare. And then adds subtle movements, smooth movement, signaled the daughter was walking in Mandiyoso (royal palace corridor towards the Great Hall palace Sumenep).

When the dance progresses, the dancers hold a cemong (brass bowl) containing various kinds of flowers. Dancers go hand in hand with hand gestures while sowing flowers that are in cemong accompanied by gamelan music of the palace.

Dancers and Costume

The number of dancers in this dance should odd number, and costumes digunakannyapun is typical Sumenep legha bridal costume with a distinctive color as well, the colors red and yellow, the colors blend contains a philosophy of "kapodhang nyocco ' sare" which means "flower prapa'na Rato" (the king was happy). while to blend the colors red and green or yellow and green contains folosofi "kapodang nyocco" leaves "which means" Rato prapa'na bendhu "(The king was angry).

The dancers have been women because the womens movement more graceful and more beautiful. This dance is not dancing in pairs with men for maintaining the sanctity of this dance to avoid in motion between male dancer and a female dancer to touch, when men and women are not mahram contact, then desecrate this sacred dance. Similarly, the requirement dancers should not be in a state of menstruation (menses).

The uniqueness that is characteristic of this dance is:

Dancers must be an odd number, can be one, three, five or seven and so on.
Used clothing style bridal lega with typical dodd Sumenep.
The dancers are not currently in the coming months (menstruation)

Until now conservationists Muang Sangkal not little and not too much, some dance studio and Student Organizations and Students in Sumenep maintain this Sangkal Muang Dance, Dance Studio Potre Koneng as I've ever played a dozen years old, who is still trying how attract the younger generation now to be proud of the typical dance Sumenep and proud of their own culture, considering Dance Muang Sangkal an important icon for the city of Sumenep.

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