Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Lio Ende Dance: Dance Ende Lio Origin East Nusa Tenggara

Explanation Ende Lio Dance Dance Origin of East Nusa Tenggara. As another dance Dance Ende Lio is also a local dance that expresses the sense of passing the order motion in the rhythm of music and song. This dance has a variety of dances and development. Many choreographers who developed this dance.

Lio Ende dance can be distributed several types based on motion and shape governance, namely :

Dancers danced a dance group that has been set in the form of variety and rhythm of the music/song for a formal appearance.

Dancers with their own style, dancing to the music/songs in a group or individual.

Dancing with freestyle by relying on footwork as-will jump. Woge: Motion dance with legs fully rely on agility and dynamic energy, equipped with means mbaku and sau or shield and sword/machete.

Dance with the feet on the ground jerked.
For terms Toja and Wanda are actually the same sense that dance, just different ways and functions and word syllables for Lio tribe means Toja.

Dance developments Ende Lio
Along with the development of generations of choreographers have created dances development of many of these are:

This dance form a circle around tubu musu by means holding hands and legs jerked in the form of two kinds, namely Ngendo and Rudhu variety or varieties backward and forward.

Teka Se
This dance is almost like a dance Gad/Naro, only in the form of a variety of foot movement and rotation movements faster than Gad/Naro. The uniqueness of teka se, in the center of the circle is ignited by embers or bonfire and dance is held on every ceremonial event in Nangapanda and surrounding area.

Wanda/Toju Pau
Dance shown individually in an event. Dancers use scarf accompanied by music Ngo wani/Lamba or feko music legend. Usually when a female dancers finished dancing, he must give the shawl to men, or more specifically, namely Ana no, no vice versa Ana gave scarves to exist eda/belle for dancing

New Wenggu
This dance form of a procession by a group of dancers in the show pick-up or drop means PA workshops/offerings or guests and others. New dance form Wenggu very much with each name of each region in Ende Lio.

Joka dance Sapa
This dance dance classified fishermen and characteristic of this dance is the girls (dancers) dance with fishing outfit accompanied with music/song psaltery.

Dance Murree Murree
This dance is meant to support each other. Danced by women/girls of the family mosalaki in Single-Pora-Waga on customary rituals invoke rain.

Prop dance Alu/Asu
Originally this dance is a game and gradually developed into a dance and dancers consist of two (2) pairs of young people accompanied by a prison ana. In appearance it takes 4 to 8 players bamboo bar by way of jerking and clamped simultaneously. The dancers enter the foot/head in between the bamboo from slow to fast tempo tempo, then combined with the rhythm of the song and dancing around the prison ana dancer/performer bamboo bars.

Jara Jara dance Angi Angi or phantom horse and the most popular is called Dancing Horse braid. Dancers consisted of children or the young men. Dancers equipped with horses made of Mas (shawl nut) or plaited palm leaves with a shape like a horse. The uniqueness of this dance is the singers sang with special words, also sung by notes or do not say the words rhyme.

Pala dance Tubu Musu
Dancers consisted of mothers/girls of every family Mosalaki in Wolotopo-Ndona, with a male as a dancer Woge for PA ceremony Loka or give offerings at Tubu Musu. To accompany this dance that is, music/song Ngo Wani/Lamba and Ngo Dhengi and final part of this dance with Gad/Naro or tandak.

Dowe dance Dera
Dera Dowe dance danced at the time of planting. The dancers consist of 2 (two) groups: mens and womens groups, with traditional rituals in place mopo (in the middle of the field). Male dancers with music make, make a hole in the ground, while the women/girls filling plant seeds that have been drilled. The dance is accompanied by a song with music Make Dera Dowe made of bamboo (see music make) and the dancers equipped with custom clothing and accessories.

Napa dance Nuwa
This dance as the excitement of the fighters who have won the battle, dancers consist of fighters or some men, equipped with the tools of war, namely Mbale and sau or shield and sword/machete. The dance begins with New Wenggu, followed by Bhea and Woge and bill or rather with sau while moving in a circle. Dances of this Wolotopo village accompanied by music Ngo Lamba/wani and Song Da Seko.

Lela Ule dance Nggewa
The title of this dance is identical with the title song which is very typical. In this dance the dancers consist of the girls and the accompanying music is only a drum, in ancient times the ancestors used stone as the accompanying music.

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