Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Maengket Dance, Traditional Dance Of Minahasa Of North Sulawesi

Regional Traditional Dance Dance Maengket Manado in North Sulawesi. Maengket dance is dance Minahasa tribe in the city of Manado. This dance performances accompanied by singing to the accompaniment of drums or drum. Minahasa tribe a union of several sub ethnic inhabit the northern Sulawesi. Because of the diverse tribes in Minahasa tribe, the technical terms used in dance Maengket also vary according to the language of each tribe.

This dance can be seen in the village Ranowangko, District Kombi, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi. Maengket most famous from the beginning until now, namely Maengket mandolang and Maengket pinkan.

Originally Maengket done at harvest as thanksgiving to God. Maengket dance performance begins a singer who will be followed (repeated) by others. The dancers are 20 to 30 people consisting of men and women in pairs with one woman acting as a guide. Used clothing such as brightly colored red, pink, blue, yellow, green and white. The male dancers use a red headband. This dance is so dynamic, energetic, and relatively free from rules. You will find it still beracu on the value and the original motion.

In the show Dance Maengket consists of 3 rounds, namely:

1. Maowey Kamberu
Maowey Kamberu is a dance that is performed on the occasion of thanksgiving to Almighty God on agricultural products, especially rice plants doubled. This type of dance is led by women called "Walian in uma" and assisted by Walian im pengumam'an or adult men. Custody is a genuine religious or tribal religions professed by the Minahasa tribe, its leader was an elderly woman who called Walian Mangorai who served as advisors and supervisors in the implementation of fertility rites.

Dance process Maowey Kamberu
The dance begins with a flick of a handkerchief by the dance leader who intends to invite lumimu'ut or goddess of the earth to the earth goddess trance dance leaders. After the leader of the dance trance dance then really begins. In order for the other dancers are not possessed of evil spirits there are helpers who accompany Tonaas Wangko in custody called uma uma Tonaas in which an adult man holding a spear symbol of the sun god (Toar). Therefore, around the yard stone (tumotowak) plugged spears.

Maengket dance moawey kamberu or owey kamberu an overview of the complaints would fatigue grow rice which then produce pleasure when harvesting rice.

2. Marambak
Marambak is the second half Maengket dance performed by Mapalus spirit or the spirit of cooperativeness. Ordinary staged in new construction. People Minahasa Bantu helped create a new home. Finished houses are built then held a party ride a new home or in the local language called "rumambak" or test the strength of a new home and all the people in the village were invited thanksgiving

3. Lalayaan
Lalayaan part or half of Maengket dance that symbolizes how youth Minahasa in ancient times will be looking for their soul mate. This dance is also called social dance of young people in Minahasa time immemorial.

In the ritual, Maengket itself is divided into two parts, namely Sumempung intended to invite the spirit gods and praise Si Empung (Good) and Mangalei intended to ask the blessing of the gods.

Dance Maengket actually not pure dance but also the unity of the two branches of art that is dance and singing and picking rice ceremony is a ritual that is performed in the traditional party season which lasts for 28 days in a row. Dance Maengket Moawey kamberu made 7 days before the full moon in the stone courtyard (Tumotowa), on the full moon night of dance performed lalayaan and 7 days after the full moon dance performed Maengket marambak in lighting installation ceremony for new homes (sumolo)

Similar to other regions in Indonesia in its development, Maengket dance has now become a tourist attraction. So that this dance was modified without prejudice to the values of philosophy.
Besides staged in traditional ceremonies, dance is also one of the traditional entertainment alternatives that are still maintained and developed Minahasa community.

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