Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Indonesian Dance Art History

Dance of Indonesia reflect the richness and diversity of peoples and cultures of Indonesia. There are more than 700 ethnic groups in Indonesia: can be seen from the root of the Austronesian and Melanesian culture, influenced by the culture of the countries in Asia and even in the Western influences were absorbed by the neighboring colonization. Every tribe in Indonesia has its own particular variety of dancing; In Indonesia there are over 3000 dance native Indonesia. The ancient tradition of dance and drama were preserved in a variety of dance studios and schools are protected by a Court or Government-run Academy of fine arts.

For the purposes of classification, the art of dance in Indonesia can be classified into various categories. In the category of history, art dance Indonesia can be divided into three eras: prehistoric tribes, the era of Hindu-Buddhism and Islam. Based on patron and supporter, can be divided into two groups, the square dance (dance Palace) supported the nobility, and folk dance that grew out of ordinary people. Based on the tradition of Indonesia, the dance is divided into two groups; dance and contemporary dance.

Era history

Prehistoric style of dance or the dance of the outback
Before you get in touch with foreign influences, ethnic groups in Indonesia Islands had developed the art of its own, this dancer looks at the various tribes that survived from outside influences and choose a simple life in the countryside, for example in Sumatra (Batak, Nias, Mentawai), Kalimantan (Dayak tribe, Christians, Iban), Java (Baduy), Sulawesi (Minahasa, Toraja Tribe), in the Maluku islands and in Papua (Dani, Asmat, Amungme).

Many anthropologists believe that the dance originated from Indonesia's movement rituals and religious ceremonies. this kind of Dance is usually originated from rituals, such as dance, dance war shamans to cure or repel disease, dance to call the rain, and the various types of dances associated with agriculture, such as the Dayak Hudoq dance. Other dances are inspired by nature, such as the Peacock Dance of West Java. This early type of dances usually showing a movement over and over like Tor-Tor dance in Batak which comes from North Sumatra. This dance is also intended to evoke the spirit or soul that are hidden in man, it is also meant to be soothing and pleasing the spirits. Some dances involve mental condition such as trance is considered to be channeling the spirit into the body of the dancer to dance and move beyond his awareness. Tari Sanghyang Dedari is a sacred dance in Bali, where the girl who had turned up to dance in the unconscious mental condition which is believed was possessed of the Holy Spirit. This dance intended to expel evil spirits from around the village. Dance and keris dance Kuda Lumping also involve conditions possessed.

Hindu-Buddhist-style dance
With receipt of the Indonesia dharma in religions, Hinduism and Buddhism are celebrated in a variety of sacred ritual and art. The story of Hindu epics such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and also was the inspiration for the Banners displayed in the dance-drama called "the ballet" resembles the "ballet" in the Western tradition. A method of a complicated dance and very stylish was created and remains preserved to the present day, especially in Java and Bali. Javanese Ramayana Ballet is performed routinely in Prambanan, Yogyakarta; While the theme of the Ballet in the same version of Bali staged at various Temples throughout the island of Bali. Javanese shadow puppets dance people take snippets from episodes of the Ramayana or Mahabharata. But the dance is very different from the version of India. Although the attitude of the body and the hands are still considered important, dance of Indonesia is important not paying attention to mudra as dance India: even more showing of local forms. Dance palaces of Java stressed to elegance and movement is slow and weak supply, while Balinese dances are more dynamic and expressive. Sacred ritual dance Bedhaya Javanese Majapahit originated in the 14th century and even earlier, the dance is derived from the Dance ritual performed by virgins to revere Hindu deities such as Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu.

In Bali, dance has become an indispensable part of the ritual of the sacred Hindu Dharma. Some experts believe that a Balinese dance originated from the older dance traditions of Java. Relief from a temple in East Java from the 14th century show crowns and headdresses headwear similar to that used in Balinese dance now. It is showing the continuity of the tradition of outstanding uninterrupted for at least 600 years. Some sacred and sacred dances should only be given in religious ceremonies was presented. Each has its own uses Balinese dance, ranging from dance to religious rituals, which should only be performed in a temple, which tells the story of dance and dance to popular legends, welcoming and honour to guests such as the pendet. Mask dance is also very popular in Java and Bali, generally taking the story of the Panji stories can be traced to the history of the Kingdom of Kediri originates from the 12th century. This type of mask dance which is famous Cirebon mask dance and Balinese mask.

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